A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Wednesday 13th October 2010 at 7.30pm in the Cator Hall



Mrs M Curry, Mr D Brozyna, Mrs S Wilson, Mr R Brown, Cllr A Stewart, Cllr B Laughton and 4 Parishioners



Mr R Neale, Mr L Haslam



The minutes of the meeting held on 8th September were read.  It was proposed by Mrs S Wilson, seconded by Mr R Brown and agreed unanimously that these be signed as a true record.


Matters Arising

  1. Telephone Box Refurbishment Invoice – a letter was read out from the contractor who refurbished the telephone box explaining the extra work involved in the project.  He is to be asked to submit a new invoice.
  2. Bus Shelter – the PC agreed unanimously to purchase two cork boards for the bus shelter.
  3. Recreation Ground Fence – a quotation for the work is still awaited from a Southwell company.  Other reputable companies are still being sought to quote for the work.
  4. A617 Kirklington Road junction – Cllr Stewart had sent an e-mail copy from NCC Highways Dept saying that the overgrown vegetation in this area was about to be cut back.
  5. Green Lane towards Bilsthorpe – Mr Brozyna questioned the ownership of this land where the trees are about to be cut back by West Coast Network Services.  Mrs Curry suggested Mr Catchpole (Trees Officer NSDC) be asked for advice re trees requested in return for those cut down.
  6. PO in Cator Hall - Mr Brown reported that this will not now be taking place as the Post Office are unable to find anyone to operate the service.
  7. Parish Walkabout – Mrs Curry explained to the PC about our Highway Liaison Officer, Jo Horton’s recent visit to the village.  As a result a NCC Highways Task Force will spend 2-3 days in Eakring tackling a series of tasks.
  8. LIS Parking Scheme Triumph Close – the issue of parking on Kirklington Road was raised and the alternative of supplying parking bays on Triumph Close suggested. Cllr Stewart said that although the LIS deadline had passed at the end of September if the PC filled in an application form ASAP he would submit it on behalf of the village.
  9. Interpretation Board – this is due to be fitted in week beginning 1st November.  The company fitting it will allow time to try it either side of the bench so people can gauge the best side for it to be sited.


County/District Councillors

  1. Cllr Laughton and Cllr Stewart explained why they supported the work of Recycling Ollerton and Boughton.  Cllr Stewart said that if the PC were in favour of the scheme being extended into Eakring, he would give a ‘one off’ grant to help the project get started.  The PC voted unanimously that the scheme be extended to Eakring.
  2. The PC discussed with Cllr Laughton the positive aspects to be gained from talking directly to Mr C Walker, Head of Planning at NSDC.  The PC decided to invite Mr Walker to the next PC meeting.
  3. Mr Brozyna pointed out the dangerous nature of the last junction from Bilsthorpe onto Eakring Road before the A614.  This has a give way marking rather than stop signs.  Cllr Stewart agreed to raise the matter with the NCC Highways Dept.



  1. NCC Gully Emptying/Cleansing Policy – the PC identified 6 sites where drainage problems have occurred.
  2. Ollerton and District CAB AGM 21st Oct 2010
  3. Malcolm Lane Co – quote for street name sign posts
  4. Signs of the Times – street name sign posts
  5. British Recycled Products Co UK – street name sign posts
  6. NSDC Tree Works – Cherry Tree House, Back Lane


Items Circulated:

  1. NSDC Standards Committee Agenda 15.9.10
  2. NHS Extra Ordinary Board Meeting 11.10.10
  3. Dura Sports Brochure
  4. Notts Fire and Rescue Response Magazine
  5. Mark Spencer MP Advice Surgeries
  6. RCAN Notts AGM & Annual Report
  7. Rural Voice Edition 12
  8. Your Leisure Feb 11 – May 11
  9. NSDC Annual Electoral Registration Poster
  10. Notts Police Mobile Rural Contact Point, service decommissioning and Commanders Update
  11. NHS The Big Health Debate 14.10.10
  12. NHS Newark Healthcare Review
  13. Mobile Contact Point Poster
  14. Wickstead Brochure



Application Number 10/01072/FULM

Formation of access track and siting of temporary compound to service 3 wind turbines (amendment to previously approved locations)

Land at Stonish Hill and Former Bilsthorpe Colliery, Eakring Road, Bilsthorpe

Circulated and returned 9.9.10

For Nil, Against 7


Application Number 10/01301/FUL

Householder application for the erection of a conservatory to rear elevation

Chapel House, Church Lane, Eakring

Circulated and returned 15.10.10


The following decision notices have been received:

Application Number 10/00860/FUL

Householder application for single storey rear and first floor extensions

Laburnum House, Wellow Road, Eakring

Refuse full planning permission 6.9.10


Application Number 10/00967/FUL

Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 3 storey house (re-submission)

Southlands, School Lane, Eakring

Approve full planning permission 16.9.10


Application Number 10/00968/CAC

Demolition of bungalow

Southlands, School Lane, Eakring

Approve Conservation Area Consent 16.9.10


Cator Hall

Mr Brown reported that there were a number of bookings for the hall, including a 30 week course.


Recreation Ground

Mrs Curry suggested that Newark and Sherwood Homes be contacted to see when the fence by the Triumph Close garages will be fixed.



Clerks Salary             £371.70

Clerks Expenses       £36.82

Cator Hall Rent          £32.50

(April – Sept)

Ollerton & District      £30.00

CAB (Grant)


It was proposed by Mr D Brozyna, seconded by Mr R Brown and agreed unanimously that these accounts be paid.


Any Other Business

  1. The PC discussed the cutting down of trees on a piece of land on Mill Lane.  There had been communications with Mr Catchpole, Tree Office at NSDC, who is monitoring the situation.  It was decided to contact NSDC again to express the Parish Council’s concerns.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.


Next meeting scheduled for 10th November 2010.


Signed: Len Haslam