A meeting of the Parish Council was held on Wednesday 10th September 2008 at 7.30pm in the Cator Hall



Mrs M Curry, Mr D Brozyna, Mrs S Wilson, Mr R Brown, L Haslam, Cllr A Stewart, Cllr B Laughton and 1  parishioner.



Mr R Neale, Mr R Howes



The minutes of the meeting held on 11th June were read.  It was proposed by Mr D Brozyna, seconded by Mrs S Wilson and agreed unanimously that these be signed as a true record.


The minutes of the meeting held on 13th August were read.  It was proposed by Mr L Haslam, seconded by Mrs S Wilson and agreed unanimously that these be signed as a true record.


Matters Arising

  1. Madame Chairman commented that the advice supplied by Mr Catchpole (Trees Officer) on permitted tree work was somewhat unclear.  Other councillors agreed.
  2. Mr Brozyna pointed out that the 30mph sign on Wellow Road was still wrongly aligned in spite of repeated requests for help.  Cllr Stewart was asked for help to resolve this matter.
  3. The Environment Agency had reported that although the lake to the rear of Bleak House was in poor condition because it was stagnant, there was no sign of contamination.  They would monitor the situation.
  4. The Dog Warden had made a visit to Triumph Close and Triumph Road in June but found no evidence of dog fouling or stray dogs.
  5. There continue to be scrap metal thieves operating in the area and residents have raised concerns.  The police have provided the PC with a number to ring.


County/District Councillors

Mrs Curry said the PC were concerned that on occasions they were not getting replies to letters and phones calls to NCC and NSDC.  Cllr Stewart suggested sending him copies of all letters sent, while Cllr Laughton said he would follow up any missing reply and just to phone him with details.


  1. Cllr Stewart asked if the PC had a bid in mind for the Building Better Communities Fund.  He thought the Recreation Ground project could fall within the scheme.
  2. Cllr Stewart mentioned the Interpretation Board award made by the Building Better Communities Scheme to Eakring.  Mrs Curry asked if he could find out more details about this.
  3. Mrs Curry asked if new street signs came under the BBC funding.  The answer was no and the PC were directed to contact Cllr Armstrong re a councillor’s budget of £250.
  4. Cllr Stewart couldn’t say when work on improving Main Street would begin, only that it would be in this financial year
  5. Cllr Laughton reported that planning had been granted on the Industrial Site in Bilsthorpe, however the unexpected traffic island onto the A614 would not be forthcoming.  The number of vehicles travelling through Eakring would be restricted.



  1. NSDC Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment.  Sites in Your Parish
  2. Newark and Sherwood Homes re fence, garages Triumph Close
  3. The Planning Inspectorate, Wind farm Appeal 5th November 2008
  4. NSDC Middle Farm Planning Appeal 25th November 2008
  5. Sherwood Foresters, requesting donation towards war memorial in Belgium (Ypres) £30.  After discussion it was passed unanimously to make a donation.
  6. Tree notices: a) Cratley, Back Lane, b) Village Allotments, Back Lane
  7. Rural Community Action, Act on CO2 course, 2nd Oct 2008
  8. BT Adopt a Kiosk Scheme and Sponsored Kiosk Programme.  The PC decided to proceed with the Adopt a Kiosk Scheme.
  9. Rural Community Action: Parish Plan Evaluation 2008


Items circulated:

  1. Newark and Sherwood Safer Neighbourhood Groups July 08 Meetings
  2. NCC Rufford Craft Centre brochure/programme
  3. NCC Planning and Landscape Briefing June 08
  4. Glasdon brochures
  5. NHS Nottinghamshire Service Review
  6. NCC Travel and Transport Briefing June 08
  7. NSDC Community Newsletter
  8. Clerks and Councils Direct July 08
  9. NALC Countrywise Issue 24
  10. NCC A-Z Guide to Services
  11. Resresio 360 Degrees of Pure Recycling
  12. Bassetlaw, Newark, Sherwood Community Safety Partnership Parish/District Community Safety Liaison Group Agenda 28/7/08
  13. NCC Planning and Landscape Briefing July 08
  14. NCC Travel and Transport Briefing July/August 08
  15. Letter inviting entries for Valerie Gillespie Cup
  16. EMDA News Summer Edition
  17. NCC Countylink July 08
  18. NCC Youthzone Poster
  19.  Wicksleed Brochure
  20. NSDC Training on Code of Conduct Course 12th September
  21. NSDC Local Development Framework Evidence Base
  22. NSDC Search for Citizen of the Year 2008
  23. NCC Nottinghamshire Registration Services Proposal for Modernisation
  24. NCC Planning and Landscape Briefing August
  25. East Midlands Fire and Rescue Control Centre Information.
  26. NSDC Survey of PC in N&S (may 08) Interim Report
  27. The Moneyspinner Funding Information Newsletter
  28. Proposed change to East Midlands Regional Plan
  29. NSDC Training on the Code of Conduct 12.9.08
  30. Notts Fire and Rescue Response Magazine Summer 08
  31. Exploring the benefits of working together to tackle housing issues
  32. Bassetlaw, Newark, Sherwood Community Safety Partnership Local Liaison Group Meeting 27th October
  33. Campaign to Protect Rural England
  34. Mencap
  35. Macmillan Cancer Support World’s Biggest Coffee Morning
  36. Glasdon brochure
  37. Clerks and Councils Direct Brochure September
  38. NCC Planning and Landscape Briefing September 08
  39. NSDC Standards Committee Agenda 11.09.08



Application Number 07/01029/FULM

Office, workshop and workshop buildings with ancillary parking areas and yard

Land off Brailwood Close, Bilsthorpe

Circulated and returned 16.6.08

For 1, Against 5, Absent 1


Application Number 08/01008/FUL

Replace garage

Briar Cottage, Church Lane, Eakring

Circulated and returned 3.7.08

For 5, Against Nil, Absent 2

Approve full planning permission 7.8.08


Application Number 08/01538/FUL

Change of use from Post office (A1) to Dwelling (C3) with extended alterations

Eakring Post Office and Stores, Kirklington Road

Circulated and returned 14.7.08

For 7, Against Nil

Approve full planning permission 5.8.08


Planning Application 08/01768/FUL


Ashlea, Main Street, Eakring

Circulated and returned 1.9.08

For 6, Against Nil, Declared interest 1


Application Number 08/01707/FUL

Placing of resilience store

National Grid Transco Plc, Kirklington Road

Circulated to be returned by 11th September


Application Number 08/0507/FUL

Conversion of former agricultural buildings to 4 No dwellings and erection of 4 dwellings

Pond Farm, Kirklington Road, Eakring

Refuse full planning permission 3.6.08


Application Number 08/00506/LBC

Alteration of former agricultural buildings to form 4 No dwellings

Pond Farm, Kirklington Road, Eakring

Approve listed building consent 2.6.08


Cator Hall

Mr Brown reported that the Management Committee had held their AGM.  Amongst changes in personnel, Mrs Brown had become Secretary and Mrs D Martin, Bookings Secretary.  The Management Committee thanked the PC for the grant for the annual insurance.  They are waiting to hear about requests for funding they have made.  Meanwhile the fixing of the new oil tank is about to take place.


Recreation Ground

 A letter had been received from Newark and Sherwood Homes about fixing the fence near the garages on Triumph Close.  This was completed on 27th August.  Unfortunately within 10 days it had been vandalised and has now disappeared.  The matter was discussed.



Insurance                                                        £157.85

Planning Permission Application                £ 85.00

(Resilience Store)

Cator Hall Insurance                         £958.35


It was proposed by Mrs S Wilson, seconded by Mr D Brozyna with all in agreement that these accounts be paid.


Any Other Business

  1. Mr L Haslam reported on the progress of the resilience store planning application.  The Clerk informed the PC that to progress the application it was necessary to sign a ‘Tenancy at Will’ between the PC and National Grid.  One clause of the contract was an annual peppercorn rent of £1 + VAT
  2. Madame Chairman read out a letter from NCC Communities Department on extension to existing 30mph speed limit, Eakring Village.  These proposals were agreed by the PC.  On the section under the heading ‘Bilsthorpe Road’ the PC chose the option of leaving the name plate in its present position.
  3. It was suggested that positive news of the resilience store and the 30mph signs be published in the Eakring Echo.
  4. The principle of affordable housing and small houses for young couples and downsizing older couples was debated.  A new planning application was considered.


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15pm.


Next meeting scheduled for 8th October 2008.


Signed: MJ Curry 08.10.08